Thashen Naidoo

Thashen Naidoo

Thashen Naidoo is an airborne geophysicist in the minerals and exploration industry. He pursued his Honours degree in Geophysics and Mine Seismology from the University of the Witwatersrand. He is the co-founder of a career guidance platform called Shapes of Tomorrow and a Podcast host on Thrive Hive- a podcast series that explores the meaning of success from an African perspective.

Shalene Manzi

Shalene Manzi

Shalene Manzi is the co-founder of the Dr Musa Manzi Foundation, and founder of Fountain for the Thirsty – an NGO that feeds and house the homeless in Johannesburg. She is passionate about improving the quality of education in Africa. She is also a PhD candidate in Structural Geology at the School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She has a BSc degree in Geology (2015) and an Honours degree in Geology (2016). She also lectures geology part-time to Wits mining and civil engineering students.

Hlangulani Msomi

Hlangulani Msomi

Born and raised in Ndwedwe, a rural community in the north of Durban, Hlangulani Msomi is founder and Managing Director of INDAYI Communication, INDAYI Youth Foundation and the growing KZN based event INDAYI Homecoming Festival.  While registered at the University of Zululand for LLB he became popular on campus, not for his zeal in law lecture rooms, nor his notable active hand in student governance but for mobilising the best campus entertainment ever known to an otherwise timid campus. The student life and media bug bit.

Dr. Michael Westgate

Dr. Michael Westgate

Dr Michael Westgate obtained his PhD in Geophysics from the University of the Witwatersrand. He has a BSc in Physics and Advanced Earth Sciences (2016) and an Honours Cum Laude in Geophysics (2017). His current research is in re-evaluating old seismic data for new problems using modern techniques, for which he has received awards from multiple international conferences.

Dr Celeste Johnson

Dr Celeste Johnson

Celeste Johnson is the founder of the Wits Mathematics Competition. She is currently working towards a PhD in Theoretical Physics titled, ‘A bilocal description of the conformal algebra at the critical point in 3 dimensions’. She obtained her Honours and Masters with distinction in Physics and her BSc degree in Mathematics, Physics and Statistics.