+27 67 221 4847

One Child at A Time Initiative

• Dr Musa Manzi Foundation Projects •

One Child at a Time initiative

Project Summary

This initiative was established on a core belief that the one who saves a child, saves the world entirely”. In this initiative we lobby and invite individuals, businesses and/or government sectors to sponsor a child coming from a disadvantaged background. At the heart of this project is a special focus on children from remote rural areas living in poverty.

The sponsorship is used to support children we have identified as having a variety of critical personal needs, including key medical care, educational resources (e.g. books, school fees, school uniform etc) and life skills. To keep our donors informed about the child’s development, the beneficiary’s progress report is shared twice a year in July and November. In addition, we also send updates on the progress of the overall community in which a child lives and the school they attend. The foundation may also organise for the sponsors to visit the sponsored children at their home or at the school their attend.

  • Costs: A monthly fee of R500 or more, with an option to pay an upfront fee a in advance.
  • Beneficiaries: Boys and girls ages 5 to 17
  • How to start: 

We invite individuals and companies to make a substantial difference for children living in poverty by sponsoring them so that they can focus on their education and build a life for themselves free from poverty. Contact us for more information.

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