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Dr. Michael Westgate
Dr. Michael Westgate
Member: Dr Musa Manzi Foundation

Dr Michael Westgate obtained his PhD in Geophysics from the University of the Witwatersrand. He has a BSc in Physics and Advanced Earth Sciences (2016) and an Honours Cum Laude in Geophysics (2017). His current research is in re-evaluating old seismic data for new problems using modern techniques, for which he has received awards from multiple international conferences. Michael has always had a passion for understanding nature’s complexities from fundamental principles, which has manifested in his love for science, philosophy and mathematics.

Michael’s desire to help the disadvantaged has seen his involvement in multiple outreach projects from small-scale soup kitchens to large-scale community projects such as Rays of Hope. His role at within the Dr Musa Manzi Foundation is overseeing the Ndwedwe Annual Maths Competition and NDW Science Expo projects.

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